Employer Update
The new law affecting employers’ policies and practices is Senate Bill 1343, which changes the requirements around sexual harassment prevention training as of January 1, 2019. All employers with five or more employees are now required to provide 2 hours of sexual harassment prevention training to supervisors and 1 hour to administrative employees within 6 months of hire or promotion, and every 2 years thereafter. In addition, all employees must complete their training before January 1, 2020. The Department of Fair Employment and Housing determined that the training must be done during the 2019 calendar year. Even supervisors trained in 2018 must be retained. Temporary and seasonal employees must be trained within 30 days of hire or within the first 100 hours of their work, whichever is earlier. Temporary service employers will be responsible for training their employees who are placed with client-employers.
Filed Under: Labor & Employment